What Do I Use?

I use Creative Memories Storybook Creator 3 to build all of my digital scrapbooking pages - LOVE IT! If you have any questions about it or would like to purchase it - I would love to help you - I am a Creative Memories consultant. If you want to purchase this software - you can go to my CM website and purchase from there. I use a Canon Digital XSI to take pictures. LOVE IT as well!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Capture Challenge

This week's challenge was to take a picture of something you love WITH NO FLASH! (Thank heavens for a sunny day!!) Of course I love ALL my kids but this was the only one willing to pose!


You can go HERE to see what others have posted this week.


  1. what a beautiful picture! the colors are wonderful!

  2. I have a picture of my cutie with glasses too! Such a sweet picture.

  3. Wonderful capture

    ( I found you through Beth- I should be folding laundry)

  4. She's beautiful. No wonder she's so willing to pose.

  5. Oh my gosh, she is just so adorable. What a wonderful shot, nice work!

  6. I love it when children decide to help you out a bit!! What a great photo of your gorgeous little girl!!

  7. What a beautiful girl :-) Great picture!


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